“ Using the map16 system has enabled us to achieve higher work outputs due to the time saved routing/plotting sites. The efficiencies for the teams on site are further enhanced by the real-time data being fed back into the office and direct to clients, which can be exported and analysed far more efficiently and comprehensively than our previous system. The support from the team at map16 and their understanding of the requirement have been unparalleled. ”  Stephen John | Charlton Environmental

Responsible for controlling and treating invasive weeds around public areas within Hampshire and London Boroughs, Charlton Environmental needed an efficient, innovative way to map required works on street pavements, kerbs, central reservations, subways, shopping centres and parks, and collect inspection and treatment records.


The Approach 

map16 designed a system to do just this. Crews on the ground completing weed sprays can send maintenance data to the system live from the site, updating a bespoke designed service dashboard displaying data such as the total amounts of chemicals used, and the total number of sites completed. Users can navigate a map view dashboard to view specific spraying sites and spraying records, with detailed report information for specific sites available at the click of a button.

The Benefits

With the completely electronic data collection system, Charlton Environmental can ensure their data is up to date and accurate, ensuring maximum safety for the public and increasing their workforce productivity and efficiency.